rose rosy te gulab Movie Review 2024

rose rosy te gulab Movie Review 2024

The story of this film revolves around a boy named Gulaab who is unable to get married despite several attempts

He tries hard, but nothing works out. Then he suggests to his friends that if he can’t find a girl

they should prepare for his wedding anyway. Whenever they find a girl, they’ll marry quickly.

So, they book everything for the wedding, but they don’t find a girl. When it’s time for the wedding,

Gulaab’s friends bring a dancer on rent to avoid embarrassment in his village. After the wedding, Gulaab falls in love with another girl

Gurnam Bhullar has portrayed his character well. Mahie Sharma has also delivered splendid acting in this film

Punjabi films are usually comedy films, which is why comedy in films seems repetitive. It’s undeniable that there are many good scenes in this film that will make you laugh,

but many similar films have been made in Punjab. There doesn’t seem to be anything new to watch in the film. It’s the same old story that we have seen in many Punjabi films

In the end, we want to say that if you want to watch a film with your family, you can watch this film. But if you want to see something new, then this film is not for you because there is nothing new in this film